Agency leasing

Secure the perfect tenant mix for your investment goals.

Featured services


Attract and keep the best tenants, and negotiate the most advantageous lease terms.

Leading market intelligence

Get up-to-date data on market availability, demand, leasing activity, amenities offered as well as the development and construction pipeline.

Co-working & flexible space

Transform your traditional office space into a safe co-working zone.

Property marketing

Develop and execute a compelling marketing strategy for your building.

Smart buildings

Introduce technology and connect systems to enhance the productivity of buildings, workplaces and people.

Smart buildings

Technology advisory

Get a competitive edge during every step of the leasing processs, from property marketing to tenant engagement and building systems.

Technology advisory

Property management

Work with our portfolio management experts to go beyond cost and risk mitigation and demand more from your real estate.

Property management

Project & development services

Manage new construction and redevelopment initiatives from inception to close-out.

Project & development services
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Current loan rates

See current commercial real estate loan rates, including US Treasuries rates, LIBOR rates, and swap rates. Data is updated daily and includes historical comparisons.

Industry-leading global research & thought leadership


Global researchers




Local markets

Talk to us about investing in real estate

Reach maximum capacity with quality tenants.